About me
My name is Oliver Hamlin. I am a 17 year old amateur photographer from Seattle, Washington. I picked up a camera for the first time in April, 2013 and immediatley knew i was in love. A simple hobby quickly grew into a full grown passion. Along with photography I love to play soccer and run. I am also an avid skier and ski instructor.
Work Process
My photography consists of landscapes, urban photography, abstract, and photojournalism. Although I plan some of my photoshoots, many of my pictures are taken on the run when I find inspiration. I take my camera everywhere I go.
I intend on applying to a number of colleges that include photography programs and atteding one of those colleges after I graduate in 2015. I will double major in a photography degree (Photojournalism, Fine Arts, Film Studies) and a business degree. After college i plan on using my photography skills and knowledge from school to start my dream with a career in photography.